Instant Nostalgia

Half bad ass, half old lady, 100 percent so good

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Wish List for 2008

Inspired by the L.A. Times' wish list for the upcoming year, I decided to create my own (although I'd like to second their wish that "Justice John Paul Stevens eat well, get plenty of exercise and stay very, very healthy. Same for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg").

1. For Barack Obama to win the Democratic nomination, and the presidency

2. For Kanye West to finally win album of the year

3. For a fair resolution to the writer's strike so that I can get back to watching "Grey's Anatomy," "Ugly Betty" and "Friday Night Lights."

4. On a similar note, for "Friday Night Lights" to get renewed for another season.

5. For my building, and every other apartment building in Los Angeles, to start fucking recycling.

6. For the Trojans to go 12-0, while playing in the Coliseum.

7. For the signmakers of the world to learn how to correctly use an apostrophe.

8. For the op-ed pages of the country's major newspapers to get over themselves and start hiring young people, beginning with me.

9. For plane tickets to suddenly become affordable.

10. For Don Imus, Tom Tancredo, Bill O'Reilly, and all the other racist assholes with a platform they don't deserve to shut the fuck up.

So, what are your wishes for 2008, friends?

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