Instant Nostalgia

Half bad ass, half old lady, 100 percent so good

Monday, November 13, 2006

me sing good

So, I am reposting this from my Myspace blog, because I feel like it. Blake's response to this posting was "maybe you should stop listening to awful crap." I will admit, he has a point. But the first two songs were ones that you couldn't escape in middle school/ high school. I didn't necessarily mean that I would like them had they not been gramatically incorrect. Anyway, here's the post:

So, every once in a while my love of music is compromised by one of my other loves: copy editing. Now, I know that music should allow for a proper amount of leniency in this area -- but sometimes a complete lack of logic in a song, or an especially egregious grammar error can have a big effect on how much I enjoy the track. Here are some examples of lines that have always bothered me:

The Backstreet Boys, "I'll Never Break Your Heart"
OK, so I know that grammar isn't really what makes this song bad. But even as an 8th grader, I remember cringing when I heard the lyric "As time goes by/ you will get to know me/ a little more better." MORE better, really? I mean, he could easily say "a little BIT better" without changing the meaning or the flow of that lyric. But a little more better? Come on, AJ. Even you can do a little more better than that.

Jessica Simpson, "I Think I'm In Love With You"
In addition to correcting grammar and punctuation, copy editors need to look for holes in logic. Nowhere is this more apparent than this Jessica Simpson song, where she sings: "I don't know what's gotten into me/ but I kinda think I know what it is/ I think I'm in love."
Ummm ... I'm sorry, didn't you JUST get done saying you DON'T know what's gotten into you? Why would you declare then, in the very next sentence, that you DO know what it is? Make up your mind, Jess.

Dashboard Confessional "Again I Go Unnoticed"
What bothers me most about the error in this song is that in a slightly different version of this song on the album "The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most," he actually sings it correctly. But on the version that appears on "The Swiss Army Romance," he messes it up.
The lyric is supposed to go "Out of the corner of your eye won't be the only way you're looking at me then."
But on this version, he says "Out of the corner of MY eye won't be the only way you're looking at me then."
How could someone look at you through your eye instead of their own eye? Was your eye surgically implanted into their head? Chris, as much as I love you, this is fucked up.


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